What’s going on with Bozeman’s water?

Have you been asking or researching this question about Bozemam’s water?

Where does Bozeman get its water?
Remember the headlines last summer due to Bozeman’s water shortage:
“Bozeman declares ‘stage 2’ drought restrictions.”
Did that actually happen last summer? It was the first time in Bozeman history that the city imposed water restrictions on everyone. While the city of Bozeman is categorized as “drought-prone” due to the regional climate here in Montana, this has not been the normal or actual experience in the valley. According to the city, during the restrictions, Bozeman water use dropped by more than 20% last summer. Several commissioners have said that mandating water restrictions every summer going forward is on the table for consideration.
Have you been wondering how Bozeman’s water supply is doing this year? There is an interesting article entitled, “The Future of Water,” in the Bozeman Chronicle about Bozeman’s water from December 2021.
USDA numbers make it hard to predict
At present the USDA has our Snow Pack rated at 74% of the median for the past 30 years. This is definitely decent news with the hope of some late Winter / early Spring storms that may increase the snow water equivalent numbers for our area. It is something to keep our eyes on and potentially make plans for during the Summer of 2022. If you want to check the actual Snow Pack today, click here to view the USDA snow portal.
No matter what the water level becomes for this next season we are the experts that can help keep your lawn and property looking its best. Check out or full list of BSS services and Contact us today!