Why do I need Irrigation Repair?

Why do I need Irrigation Repair?

There are a number of issues that can lead to the need for Irrigation Repair and we want to discuss these with you so that you can understand and also have insights into what to expect.

Reality Check: Who you have or had do your irrigation install matters!  In fact it matters a lot.

There are quite a few irrigation install companies that do great work and stand behind their work after completion. There are also many companies that do the install and then disappear, leaving you to deal with their potentially subpar work.  We will discuss this more throughout this article.

Action Step: Before your present irrigation installers leaves and definitely before you provide your final payment, make sure to discuss their responsibility and or warranty and the period of time represented so that you have a clear idea of who is going to be responsible for repair services. Too often we see subpar work and the effects on property owners who are stuck with the bill.


Here are some of the installation issues we see all the time throughout the valley and the resulting effects:

Sprinkler Heads installed too High – This mistake in the installation can lead to a number of problems:

  • the catching of heads on lawn servicing equipment such as mowers, trimmers, etc.
  • It also can lead to significant leaking when these heads are pressed down which applies pressure to the base of the sprinkler head at the juncture of the head and the water feed line.  This can crack or leak due to this pressure and lead to wet areas and loss of pressure throughout the zone.

Irrigation Sprinkler Head Installation

Sprinkler Heads installed too Low – The biggest problem created by this installation error is the effect this has on the coverage of a particular head.  When placed correctly the head will cover a specific area of the lawn. When too low the reach of the head can be significantly impeded.  This can lead to a wet center of the coverage area and dry areas on the outside of the coverage area.

Ineffective Nozzle Coverage of the lawn area – Irrigation installation has to be done by someone who knows the equipment and has strategically planned for the proper coverage and overlap of the sprinkler heads to ensure that all areas off the lawn are able to get the proper amount of water.  To do this the proper heads and nozzles and their deployment has to be planned and carried out into the installation.

The Pressure in a zone(s) is too Low – This can be caused by the introduction of too many heads in any one zone.  The system is simply asking for a water volume that is beyond its capacity to provide.  We see this many homes where the owners have tapped into the lines just a but too much.

The Pressure if to High – This is an issue we see often in lines that mix sprinkler heads with bed drip lines or in lines dedicated to drip irrigation.  The pressure for the drip lines in just too high.  Fortunately we have a quick solution for this – Drip Line Reducers.

The Irrigation Clock – These amazing control computers are both a great invention and an incredible source of frustration. Clocks when set correctly control the system and ensure that your property is watered appropriately.

irrigation repair clock

A. When they malfunction or are set incorrectly they lead to all kinds of issues:

i. Clock issues can lead to dry lawns. dry spots, struggling plants, a general lack of water throughout your property

ii. Clock issues can also lead to overly wet lawns, wet spots, generally to wet throughout the property

iii. Here are some significant considerations regarding Irrigation Clocks:

        • Clocks age over time and can lose functionality, memory storage, reliability, etc
        • Clocks can be subject to the old adage, “Too many cooks in the kitchen.”  We consistently deal with HOA’s, COA’s, etc that have multiple residents that believe it is their responsibility to set the clock to what they believe is appropriate.  Some will even take a shot at wiring, readjusting heads, etc.  You can probably see how this can lead to issues.  All BSS properties that run on City of Bozeman water are calibrated to the Cities Drought Restrictions.
        • Clocks are subject to weather and other outside forces – We have a host of clocks across the valley that can be reset by events such as lightning, power outages, etc.  The only way to get them back on schedule is to first recognize that there is an issue with the clock and then resent the clock.


What should I do?  If you have a system that was installed and you recognize that the installation was not performed well and repair tickets are mounting, what should you do?

    1. Get your system diagnosed and fix the things that are pressing
    2. Contact your irrigation installer and discuss the diagnosis and the fixes that have accumulated.  There is a chance that they may; 1. Fix their errors, 2. Help pay for the repairs that you have had to cover.
    3. Decide how you want to move forward – You can be proactive or reactive

A. Proactive – identify the aspects of your system that the diagnosis identified that you want to reinstall correctly

B. Reactive – simply fix things as the break and hope for the best.


When should you contact BSS for Irrigation Repair services?

Anytime you see something regarding your lawn that would lead you to question the health of your irrigation system.  We do recommend that you read our post on the how the Summer Drought Restrictions Impacts your Lawn.

Having a company that you trust to perform your repairs is of paramount importance.  You don’t want to pay for services that will simply delay the larger issues or need to be repaired again.  You want it done right the first time and that what we provide at BSS.  Our team of Irrigation Technicians have the training and the field experience to provide an A+ service experience and top quality work.

To find out more about our irrigation services please visit our Irrigation Webpage.

To see a full list of the services that Bozeman Site Services provide, please visit our Service Webpage.