Per Service Billing Explained

Per Service Billing Explained . . .
Per Service billing is simply providing services to our customers that are priced in their entirety prior to the delivery of the service. For example:
You may have contacted BSS regarding the plowing of your driveway each time a snow depth is more than 2 inches (but less than 6″). BSS will provide you with a set price for each time this service is provided. You will not be responsible for payment of services until after each plow service is provided. So, if you accepted the plow per service price of $50 for your driveway and in the month of November we plowed your driveway 4 times:
Per service plow – $50
Plow services rendered – 4
Total November Cost – $200
Per Service pricing is pretty easy if you understand using some basic multiplication.
This same plow service could be available in another type of billing that has some important protections for you the customer – You can read more about this in this post on Fixed Price billing. Also, there are services when Per Price billing is just not possible – You can read more about this in this post on Time & Materials billing.
We’ve Taken Steps . . .
Many of our services at BSS can be quoted with great accuracy and specificity because of our almost two decades of experience delivering services in the Gallatin Valley. Utilizing our experience and data we can provide estimations which include labor, materials, equipment and all the factors that will ultimately lead to an effective price. This price is then delivered to you for your approval. After receiving your approval we enter the service into our production queue and take care your property accordingly.
Here is an image that illustrates the factors that go into the pricing decision for a property that needs their lawn mowed (Turf Maintenance):
Per service is a great way to clearly understand your bottomline costs. However, per service can lead to monthly costs that are difficult to anticipate. For services that are dependent on the weather, like snow removal, this can lead to inexpensive months followed by some heavy months due to the unpredictable number of service events. In 2021 we had a mild January that had approximately 5 snow events. Using our example above – that would be $250 for January. In February we had 18 snow events! Again, using our example above – that would lead to $900 for February. If this is troubling to you make sure to read the post on Fixed Price billing.
Make sure to look at our FULL SERVICE LIST to see what services are potentially available to our customers with Per Service billing.