Professional Pruning in the Gallatin Valley

Professional Pruning in the Gallatin Valley
Professional Pruning is an essential service that is integral to the long term viability and beauty of the plants on your property.
It is also one of the easiest to forget or neglect – to your own detriment! Very quickly, the growth of landscape plants can get out of control and can be at odds with the reason they were originally installed. At BSS, we want to ensure that your property always looks its best and is well cared for. Pruning needs to be a huge part of both the short term and long term property care maintenance you plan for.
Professional Pruning: Quick Facts
- Pruning can and will change the shape, health and subsequent growth of a plant.
- Pruning should be considered preventive maintenance which provides protection from both insect and disease damage.
- Pruning correctly during the formative years helps prevent many later problems in the lifetime of a tree or shrub.
- Pruning in the late dormant season is the best time and most effective time for pruning.
“Professional Pruning is not just a facelift for your plants. It is vital to their long term health. “
When plants are allowed to “go wild” they can adopt very unattractive and unhealthy growth habits and patterns and they can be their own worst enemy. Frequent pruning can help stem these issues and preserve what is best for the plants and for your overall lawn appearance, health and longevity.
Promoting Health through Professional Pruning:
- It is important to prune to remove dead or dying branches injured by disease, insects, animals, storms, or other damage to allow for optimal healing and regrowth
- Pruning correctly to remove and minimize the stubs created by branch removal will allow for optimal healing.
- Pruning outside of the dormant periods for plants should be minimal.
- Pruning plants to avoid contact with people, cars, etc will protect the plants from breakage and wear.
“We don’t need pruning this year, we’ll check on it next year.”
Yes, we do hear statements like this quite often in the lawn care services business. Unfortunately, this commitment to barely intermittent care is often the norm. To ensure the longevity, the beauty, the shape and the health of your trees, shrubs, and bushes – Professional Pruning needs to be a yearly or even biannual commitment.
Professional Pruning maintains the beauty and purposes for your landscape plants.
- Pruning encourages flower and fruit development.
- Pruning maintains the look, shape and density of your shrubs and bushes.
- Pruning maintains and encourages desired plant or special garden forms and aesthetics.
“You can make Professional Pruning a regularly occurring service with BSS”
So you want a Prune . . . Here’s what we need to know:
- What is your overall goal?
- What is your desired timeline for the actualization of your goal? Is your timeline realistic considering the health of your plants, the growing season, coverage needs, etc?
- Is Pruning the correct approach to achieve your landscape goal?
- Are you willing to commit to the timeline and the process that correct and effective pruning will require?
Professional Pruning is an essential tool in the arsenal of caring for your plants. As with any service, there are inherent risks and some loss of plants can be suffered. Overall the benefits far outweigh the challenges and pruning should be a regular part of your plant/property care strategy. Here at BSS we are committed to working with you to develop the pruning process that will best meet the needs of your plants and to achieve your ultimate goal. We look forward to discussing your property with you. Contact us Today!
There are tremendous Pruning Guides available online for Montana residents like this Guide available through the MSU.