BSS Snow Storm Strategy

BSS Snow Storm Strategy
As a BSS customer you are a member of a community of properties, a community that BSS has accepted the responsibility to provide quality services to for the winter season or annually. At BSS, there is a real, thorough, researched and planned snow storm strategy developed to attack each storm in the most effective way possible. “Effective” means a service plan that provides for the needs of all our customer’s properties en-masse and addresses the realities of the timing and size (accumulation) of a given storm. These variables are real and they do impact the realities of the delivery of services.
Snow Storm Strategic Service Timelines *
We have created routes that are designed to provide services to all of our customers within 8-12 hours once the snow accumulates and exceeds the triggers within our contracts. (please check your contract for your specific contracted triggers for services).
“Completion times are totally dependent on the time the snow starts to fall, the time the trigger depths are realized, and the severity and longevity of the storm and accumulation.”
Please know, once we complete a snow removal round and it is still snowing, the snow will begin to accumulate again. We will return for a second round either later that day or the following day if triggers are met again.
Overnight Storms
Commercial properties
We strive to have one push complete by 7-8AM. If the snow continues to fall after the push is complete, we will return later in the day or the following early morning to clean up if triggers are met again. If the storm warrants it, we may need to come back a third time, after the storm is over.
Residential properties
These properties will receive one push per day. We will begin to push residential properties early to mid morning with the expectation of completion before 5PM (weather permitting).
Daytime Storms
A “Day-time Storm” is defined as any storm that starts or continues accumulation after 3AM. Storm accumulation after 3AM will always impact the time of delivery further down the route.
“It’s 7:30AM and our walkways into our storefront haven’t been cleared yet – What’s up with that?”
Commercial properties
As stated earlier, our goal is to provide services to our commercial properties by 7-8AM each morning. During a “Day-time Storm” this goal will be heavily impacted. We will dispatch our crews once the snow accumulates to the service trigger designations. If snow continues to fall after triggers are met, lanes and high priority sidewalks will be serviced first. BSS will return later that day or the the next morning to complete the snow removal if needed.
Residential properties
Residential properties will be serviced on the day that triggers are met or the next day depending on the timing of the storm.
High Volume Storms
The Winter of 2022/23, we experienced numerous snowfalls that exceeded what could be removed in one day. When depths approach 6+ inches there are two variables that create or influence the snow removal response timing and strategy; they are snow depth and snow density (water content). Snow depth and density create physical realities that are real and effectual on service delivery times. When depth and density require it, we will modify our snow removal strategy to prioritize the following: The clearing of entrances and access to all of our community of properties. After accomplishing this, our crews will return to each property and provide the full quality snow removal we are known for and you expect. The return to each property may stretch into the next day.
At the beginning of this post we mentioned that, “As a BSS customer you are a member of a community of properties.” As a member of this community please know that BSS is committed to the delivery of contracted services. Also please acknowledge that not all of our community of properties can be serviced at once. The routes and the Snow Storm Strategy we have developed allow us to best deliver our services to the whole of our valued community.
For more information regarding Winter services please read our 23/24 Winter Newsletter. Review topics like Parking, Triggers, Snow Placement, Caution around Equipment, Daily Storm Info Sources, How to register concerns or request additional services, etc.
To see a full list of the services that Bozeman Site Services provide, please visit our Service Webpage.
* Timelines and Strategies, are the “Best Laid Plans” and are subject to change due to uncontrollable variables like: Storm Timing, Temperature, Accumulation depths, Water Content of the accumulation, Equipment Failure, Personnel Sickness, etc.