Winter Additional T&M Services

Winter Additional T&M Services
The Winter Additional T&M Services are utilized on an ‘as needed’ basis and only (1.) where customers have specifically requested or (2.) in situations where future snow removal will be severely impinged. The offering and instituting of these services is strictly due to the unprecedented snowfall we have experienced in the Gallatin Valley. For many of you the performance of one or multiples of these services is the only way BSS will be able to help you manage the storage of snow on your property. All of these services are based on Time and Materials billing.
Winter T&M Service List:
Please review these services so you can understand the need and the potential cost.
Snow Widening Walks – We utilize a toolcat and/or skidsteer to widen walkways and designated areas, as needed. Single unit home Minimum charge of 0.5 hours at $90/hr. Multi-unit or commercial Minimum charge of 1 hour at $90/hr.
Snow Clearing Mailbox & Fire Hydrant – We move and shovel snow to clear access to mailboxes and fire hydrants approximately 3′ on both sides and 2′ behind. Single unit home Minimum charge of 0.5 hours at $75/hr. Multi-unit or commercial Minimum charge of 1.5 hours at $75/hr.
Snow Pile & Drift Moving (Mini) – We move snow onsite using a plow truck, skidsteer or toolcat. Single unit home Minimum charge of 0.5 hours at $250/hr. Multi-unit or commercial Minimum charge of 1 hour at $250/hr.
Snow Pile & Drift Moving (Large) – We move snow onsite using a Loader. Single unit home Minimum charge of 0.5 hours at $400/hr. Multi-unit or commercial Minimum charge of 1 hour at $400/hr.
Snow Plow and Scrape – We remove drifts, packed down snow and slush from roadways, driveways, and lots where needed after storms events have ended. Single unit home Minimum charge of 0.5 hours at $120/hr. Multi-unit or commercial Minimum charge of 1 hour at $120/hr.
If you have any questions about these services please let us know via the Customer Portal on our website. We have previously arranged these services with many properties as ongoing services where they have been needed in the past. These services are offered and performed for additional properties only due to the unprecedented snowfall levels we have experienced this season.
For a full list of all of our Regular Service offerings – Please CLICK HERE.