Protecting Your Property Vol 02 – Staking

Protecting your Property Vol 02 – Staking Areas or Items:
Staking is a great, effective and proactive procedure to ensure that areas of concern or property items are protected from damage during the delivery of outdoor maintenance services. Summer Services like Mowing, Trimming, Aeration, Power Rake, etc, as well as Snow Services like Shoveling, Plowing, Pile Moving, etc, can potentially put areas or items at risk of damage. When snow accumulates it is not reasonable to expect a crew member to know something should have been avoided. Staking may be the only way to ensure areas and items are avoided.
We are a full property services provider and we want to ensure, throughout the delivery of services, that your property is protected and that there is no damage of any of your property areas or items.
You know your property better than anyone else, so we place our trust and the responsibility to identify areas and items that could be damaged on each property owner, HOA board or appropriate person(s).
There are a few things that you will need to consider when placing these stakes.
Keep your stakes close enough to your area/item without impeding the service that will be performed near the area/item. For example, stakes placed to mark walkway areas for snow removal should be placed no closer than 6″ to the walkway to allow for snow removal equipment to clear the snow without hitting the stake. Here is a diagram that shows you how they should be placed.
If stakes are placed inside of 6″ they will be broken and this will not be the responsibility of BSS. Stakes can also be used to alert crew members to variances in the direction of a walkway, so please use the appropriate amount of stakes for your particular property areas/items.
A member of the BSS Crew can be available to walk your property with you to discuss the best deployment of stakes and help you with a deployment strategy. Please note: the maintenance of stakes throughout the season is the responsibility of the property owner so please check their deployment regularly. This is especially true in associations where many folks with different ideas can potentially manipulate the stakes.
This blog is a part of our Protect Your Property Series – Please read the additional articles: Vol 1, Vol 3; Vol 4
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