Protecting Your Property Vol 01 – Tree Wrapping Service

Protecting your Property Vol 01 – Tree Wrapping Service
A Tree Wrapping Service is a very important protection service that is greatly warranted, but too often neglected, in our Montana climate. This service seeks to protect your trees from the scorching winter sun by “wrapping” them with a resilient synthetic material. This material blocks and reflects the heat that is transferred from direct sunlight that can create frequent thaw/freeze cycles that damage the bark. This may seem somewhat counter-intuitive, that “scorching” would happen in the winter months, especially when temperatures are very low. But it is the low ambient temperatures that actually leads to the issue that can cause severe, even life threatening, damage to your trees. Here’s what happens:
Tree wrapping services are a great service to apply to all your trees to protect them from the damage caused by Winter sun scorching pictured above. There are specific trees that are more susceptible to this process and damage. If you own any Maple trees call us today!
Young, thin bark trees are the most susceptible, particularly newly planted trees. Older trees of the same species develop thicker bark and established root systems and are not as prone to significant damage. Here is a short non comprehensive list if species that are at risk: beech, dogwood, honey locust, linden, mountain ash, sugar maple, cottonwood, and fruit trees.
This tree wrapping service should be utilized every fall season as the trees are shedding their leaves and prior to the onset of freezing temperatures. These wrappings should then be removed in the spring after the spring thaw. This is important! If the wrapping is left in place it can provide a haven for and even attracts insects and diseases. If left in place over longer periods of time it can girdle the trunk.
We have all seen the evidence of sun scorching all over the valley; trees that have not been protected and have suffered. It is never too late to protect your trees so contact us today to schedule your Tree Wrapping Service to Protect your Property, Protect your Investment!
There is an excellent article on the need for Tree Wrapping Services provided by the Missouri Botanical Garden – CLICK HERE..
This blog is a part of our Protect Your Property Series – Please read the additional articles: Vol 2, Vol 3; Vol 4
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